Our family prides itself on ethically raising top-quality Alberta beef. 

Shipwheel Cattle Feeders’ cattle are grown on grass and finished on a forage and barley ration. This combination yields a superbly marbled, tender, and flavour-packed finished product. Shipwheel has a long history of focus on environmental sustainability and animal welfare with high dedication to proper stockmanship.

Our beef is butchered at sixteen to twenty-two months of age, weighing an average of 900 lbs on the rail. Once harvested, we then age them for twenty-eight days at a fully licensed, government inspected facility. Our AAA Prime Alberta beef is then cut, wrapped frozen, and ready for you to pick up in store !

4 Generations. One Passion.

Shipwheel Beef

Shipwheel Cattle Feeders Beef is produced by the Holtman family. We are a fourth generation farming and ranching family from Taber, Alberta. We believe the combination of soils, pastures, crops, cattle genetics and production management are unique to our farm. We top it off with a passion for beef production and environmental sustainability and you get a unique local eating experience. We can't wait foryou to try the flavour of our farm, we're sure you'll enjoy it!

OUR promise to you

Good for the animals

At Shipwheel, we believe that proper stockmanship can heal depressed immune systems and maintain healthy animals.  

Shipwheel’s emphasis on proper stockmanship also goes hand in hand with our choice to feed cattle without the treatment of antibiotics whenever deemed possible. Our goal is to keep
our herd healthy and limit the use of antibiotics. If an animal does get sick and requires intervention we will use antibiotics in order to save its life. We are continuing to learn natural ways of preventing and treating minor health problems to minimize the need for antibiotics.

OUR promise to you

Good for the Environment

We are committed to creating a healthy, thriving environment for generations to come through regenerative agriculture. To Shipwheel regenerative agriculture is a change in mindset and farming practices from using the soil to grow plants and cattle, to using plants and cattle to improve the quality and increase the quantity of the soil.

Okay but really, how ? Grazing animals like cattle are essential to make this happen.

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